Thursday, April 12, 2012

Star Wars: The Old Republic gets huge update

If there already wasn't enough to do in EA and LucasArts MMORPG, they decided to give gamers even more with a new update.

The update is simply called Game Update 1.2 and it will come jam-packed with features that will make the interactive experience more enjoyable, and give it even more depth. In the update, players will be able to link with their other created characters in a family tree. This will give them access to special new abilities. Other additions include a Galactic Trade Network terminal on user ships, new races, guild banks, and bonuses that will allow players to strengthen their relationships with companions.

There will also be content that will appeal to players with higher level characters. One of them is titled Flashpoint: Lost Island, which continues the story from its predecessor from update 1.1. Players have to survive on a mysterious island where they will search for clues to try an uncover the mystery of the Rakghoul virus outbreak. The flashpoint will be available to Imperial or Republic squads of 4, and characters must be level 50.

Next there is Operation: Explosive Conflict, where players will be sent to the planet Denova. On Denova, players will encounter groups of mercenaries and traitors that are selling a particular explosive. The explosive is a mineral called baradium. The point of the operation is for players to fight through hordes of enemies to take control of the planet and its resources. It is for eight to sixteen Imperial or Republic players with characters at level 50.

Lastly, there is Warzone: Novare Coast,  a PvP addition that will face two teams off against one and other. The main purpose of the game is for teams to take control of the mortar positions, and blow their opponents bases to a pile of rubbish. The warzone will pit Republic vs Empire and will be available for all characters levels 10 and up.

That's not all they have to offer though. New players and subscribers will receive the Tauntum Ram Pet, active subscribers that have reached level 50 on at least one character will receive 30 days of play time with no charge, and players with inactive accounts are invited to play update 1.2 for seven days with no charge.

If this isn't enough content to get inactive players to reactivate their accounts, then I don't know what EA and LucasArts will do when it's time for another update.

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