Todd Howard, the creative directer at Bethesda studios, mad much to say about new ideas that he and the team have been brainstorming over while he spoke at DICE 2012 games industry convention in Las Vegas. Howard stated that he told his team to just go away and brainstorm ideas that could be added to a Skyrim DLC. He also stated that all of the ideas listed are strictly experimental and there is no telling as of now, which will be added to the DLC. Here are some of the ideas that Howard's team came up with, courtesy of IGN entertainment, along with my input on each.
Spears- Hopefully much more useful than the spears in Fallout: New Vegas... those sucked.
Kill cams for magic: Kind of cool I guess, but will probably just remind me of V.A.T.S
Water arrows
- Don't know what these means really...
Giant mud crabs
- Will be cool if they actually can take a lot of damage.
Paralysis runes
- This would make me happy because I love to paralyze my enemies in Skyrim. Nothing like hacking your enemies to pieces while they lie there and aren't able to do anything about it.
Seasonal foliage
- This would add even more depth to this game. Especially if they go as far as have different creatures out and about during the different seasons of the year.
Speedy water currents
- The currents in the game are already pretty fast. I guess they want to add some rapids in there, give the player a real drowning helplessly in the river experience.
Dragon mounts
- That would be too good to be true. If Bethesda follows through with this, Skyrim will easily be the most epic game of all time. Especially if they add combat abilities like controlling your dragons fire breath or even just shooting fools with your bow while mounted.
Dark dungeons
- Could add a little more realism to the game and actually force players to use torches, or spells that illuminate areas.
Adoption of children
- Wouldn't really add much to the game, unless you had to bring food home to them and care for them (which I doubt will be the case).
Advanced home building
- This would be a nice feature to add in the game. The players could become the Skyrim version of Martha Stuart.
Epic new mounts
- Sabre cats, bears, mammoths, or even on the shoulders of giants maybe? One could only hope.
Fast travel portals
- Kind of pointless because we can just use the map...
Kinect dragon shouts
- Honestly would give me all the reason I need to actually buy a kinect. Would also be really funny to see people try to pronounce the shouts, fail miserably, and look really goofy.
Enhanced water visuals
- The water wasn't all that great looking nor was it bad looking. This is something that really doesn't matter, but couldn't hurt if added.
Ice and fire arrows
- I mean... you can already enchant them can't you? Don't really see the point.
Lycanthrope perk tree
- Please do it Bethesda. The whole werewolf thing was cool for like 5 minutes, then I decided to just get rid of it. A perk tree would add more depth to this power and probably make it a lot more fun to use than it is now.
Vampire imp minions
- Who doesn't want minions? Actually let me rephrase that... what kind of fucking vampire doesn't want minions? Hopefully these little guys could actually be of use and do some damage on enemies.
Goblins - I forgot that the Elder Scrolls series usually has goblins as enemy creatures... kind of goes to show that they really aren't needed...
So there you have it. Some of the ideas on this list look really cool and promising, like the idea of various new mounts including dragons, and the kinect dragon shouts that will probably make everyone look insane. Most of the others I've seen done in mods already, but will be cool for console players to be able to enjoy. Others unnecessary like the ice and fire arrows and the fast travel portals because those are things that the player can already do regardless of which platform they are playing on. This has gotten me all excited now, but I still have to realize that there is no real information released on this yet, so who knows when we will be able to get our hands on this DLC.