(Hitman: Absolution)- Agent 47 is back again for yet another string of contracts that are hopefully just as or more fun than the ones of the past games in the series. Not much has been released on this game except for a plot that does sound enticing. The supposed plot includes Agent 47 assassinating his former contract handler from the previous games and chasing after a new antagonist named Blake Dexter. As for gameplay, it will run on the Glacier 2 engine and will be similar to other games with awesome ways to take out your target stealthily. I'm sure there will also be a lot of cute costumes that Agent 47 will be able to slip in and out of like the previous games as well. Be on the lookout for this game because it has been confirmed to be released in 2012 for Xbox 360, PS3, and PC.
(I Am Alive) - I didn't know much about this game until December 2011, but after I got a taste, I couldn't help but be excited for it. The story revolves around a man in a city that has been hit by a cataclysmic disaster that wiped out just about everyone. He is trying to find his family and will fight his way through whatever he has to in order to reach them. The game will be a third person action/adventure game and will revolve around third person combat. Cool things about the game is that players don't just have to get in a shooting battle. They can pull a bluff and point an empty gun at an enemy to scare them, and using stealth to take enemies out with a machete or bow. The game has an emphasis with platforming (something I am a sucker for) and hopefully it has a good climbing system like Assassins Creed since it is made by Ubisoft. Survival is also key in this game as you will have to scavenge for supplies like food, water, gas, ammo, and even cigarettes in order to stay alive. The game is being developed with the LEAD engine, just like Splinter Cell Conviction which was very fun. This game is set to release on March 7th 2012 and will be available on Xbox 360 an PS3.

(Mass Effect 3)- If there was a game that should be on everyone's list this year, this is it. It's the 3rd installment in the Mass Effect series, and it will be a douzey. Like Mass Effect 2, Mass Effect 3 will let gamers import their characters and continue their storyline in the world of Mass Effect. As an attempt to reach a larger audience, there will be 3 types of game modes, Action mode, Story mode, and RPG mode. Action mode will be highly combat based with no dialogue choices, Story mode will have a lower combat difficulty and dialogue choices will be available, and RPG mode will be like classic mass effect gameplay with a mixture of combat and story based gameplay with many choices for the players to make. RPG elements have been improved with more modifications to weapons and more skills to improve on. Weapon mods will include being able to add new scopes, barrels and ammo types. This game will be usable with Kinect so players can voice their dialogue choices and even voice command companions in battle. Developers of the game say that not a lot has changed with the combat. They say that they have improved the cover system and that it will be the hardest installment in the series because of the increased enemy AI. There will also be multiplayer in Mass Effect 3 called Galaxy at War which has been compared to horde mode from Gears of War. This game is a must buy, especially for fans of the series, and will be released on March 6th for Xbox 360, PS3, and PC.
(Max Payne 3)- Finally! Another Max Payne game is coming to a game store near you this year and man does it look fabulous. Rockstar games has never let me down and I doubt they will with this title which is being developed on their very own RAGE engine. The game will be set in São Paulo, Brazil where Max is now working private security for a family 8 years after the events of Max Payne 2. Max is now older and balder and also extremely depressed based on what I've seen so far. A street gang kidnaps the wife of the family Max is protecting, and it leads him into yet another dark, shadowy, twisted series of events. The gameplay in this game looks extremely fun and will be third person just like the other two. It will still be a run and gun game and of course there will be a return of bullet-time. In bullet-time, you will be able to see every bullet hole that you have shot into your foes. There is also great physics which shows as in the movement of the characters. As Max strafes, he puts his weight on his stopping foot and shifts his weight to his other foot. There will also be a mechanism that allows Max to stay grounded after a dive and rotate his body 360 degrees while lacing his enemies with bullets. There will also be interactive cutscenes and melee combat that allows Max to kick enemies asses if they get too close. A "last man standing" mechanic has also been added allowing Max to be revived from death if he has a painkiller handy on him. This game will released on May 29th 2012 and will be available for Xbox 360, PS3, and PC.
(Metal Gear Rising: Revengence)- A hack and slash action game that's a part of the Metal Gear series? Mind fucking blown! A lot of people I have talked to are not nearly as excited for this game, but they also aren't as big of Metal Gear fans as I am and aren't as big of hack and slash action games as I am. The game is being produced by Platinum games, the same Platinum games that made the fantastic action game Bayonetta, so this game should be a real treat. The protagonist of the game is the MGS4 version of Raiden, the ninja cyborg that kicks a ton of ass. The game will be centered around hack and slash combat, with Raiden slicing through his foes and leaving them limbless. There will be a bullet-time feature in the game as well that will allow Raiden to slow down time and slice the fuck out of enemies until they are diced up like a can of diced tomatoes. Raiden will also be able to slice through robotic enemies and take their core parts and electrolytes in order to power himself. There has been nothing released on the story for this game as of yet, but seeing that Raiden fights a Metal Gear in the preview so it's bound to be crazy and badass. This game will be released this year and will be available for Xbox 360 and PS3.

(Ninja Gaiden III)- Since we're on the topic of action games, let's talk about one of the greatest and most difficult action game series of all time. Ninja Gaiden has been a staple in the action game genre and Ninja Gaiden III should reinforce that. Instead of being draped in his normal black leather outfit, Ryu is draped in a metallic armor like outfit which makes him look a little robotic but still badass nonetheless. The story picks up with Ryu getting a request from the Ministry of External Affairs (Japanese Self Defense Force) to be sent to London to fight terrorist. He sees a mysterious hooded man murder the prime minister of England and later on he sees the same hooded man broadcast to the world that every country must surrender to him within seven days of face immediate destruction. Gameplay will have new mechanics and changes. It'll still be hack and slash, but now Ryu can use a mechanic called the Kunai climb.This allows Ryu to climb on to certain walls and use it to his strategic advantage. One thing that really makes me a little sad is that enemies are not decapitated or dismembered anymore, they just bleed out and scream in pain. Gore in games never was important to me, but I feel like that was a foot hole in the Ninja Gaiden series, so I'm interested to see what the game is like without it. There will be an improved slide technique for sliding thorough tight spaces and there will also be a special ability called the grip of murder. When absorbing enough energy from dead bodies, Ryu's arm will glow red which means he can use it for a devastating power attack. There will be upgradable weapons but no more store. Instead, items will be found on dead bodies. Ninpo will also be handled differently than the last game because it'll be in bar for instead of slots and the bar will be charged based on how many enemies Ryu kills. This game is scheduled to be released on March 20th 2012 for Xbox 360 and PS3, and will be compatible with the PS Move for sword combat I assume. The game is also scheduled to be a launch title for the Wii U and will take advantage of the tough screen controller.
(Resident Evil 6)- After being fairly disappointed with RE5, I am hoping to have my world rocked by RE6 just like it was with most other RE titles in the past. I probably would've liked RE5 more if I hadn't played Dead Space, because the games were far too similar, almost as if Capcom had borrowed ideas from EA. Not much has been released on this game except for a pretty awesome trailer that has revived my interest in the series. The trailer begins with my favorite RE protagonist, Leon Kennedy, aiming a gun at his boss, the President. The president has seen better days though, as he has turned into a zombie, and as the trailer transitions to the next sequence, a gun shot can be heard which leads us a viewers to assume that Leon shot him. The game will take place in a news setting, the town of Tall Oaks, and there will be three playable characters, Leon Kennedy, Chris Redfield, and a new male character that we don't know much about yet, except for the fact that he used to be a mercenary. We also find out that his blood may be the cure to the virus, but he refuses to give it out without being paid (what a douche). The gameplay scenes that I saw in the trailer look awesome. There will be the same over the shoulder camera view from RE 4 and RE 5, and there looks like there will be new features like an improved sprinting feature as well as a sliding feature. Combat also looks improved, the aiming looks more fluid and quick, and the hand to hand looks like it will play a bigger role and cause more damage. Each character will play differently and have a different role in the story. I can't wait to play this game, and it actually has a release date of 11/20/2012. It will be available on Xbox 360, PS3, and PC.

(Soul Caliber V)- Though this is set to be released in a few days, I am still adding it to the list because I am that excited for it. As a long time fan of the series, I have been salivating over this title since I first heard about it. The game is set 17 years after Soul Caliber V and will incorporate new ideals to the series. For instance, critical finishes have been taken out as well as the soul gauge. Armor is still stripped off after blows, but there will be no meter indicating when it will happen. A new meter has been added, similar to super meters in other fighting games, and it will be used to pull off "Brave Edge" and "Critical Edge" attacks. These attacks are more powerful than others and will require more meter to execute. The Guard Impact feature has also been changed and will repel any blockable attack regardless of height. Guard Impact requires a bit of the Critical Meter to be performed and parries have been removed from the engine entirely. A new defense maneuver called "Just Guard" will allow the player to retaliate quicker with a better timed block. Ring outs will now add an extra layer of depth to arenas as they will result in the characters falling down into a new segment of the area. All of the characters will be returning, including a Ezio Auditore from the Assassins Creed series as a guest character. The character creation feature will be back and will be improved on by letting players choose the height of their character, as well as have more options for facial expressions, clothing and weaponry. Soul Caliber V will be released this upcoming Tuesday which is January 31st and will be available on Xbox 360 and PS3.
(Street Fighter x Tekken)- I admit it, I'm a sucker for fighting games. Not just fighting games... but fighting games that combine two worlds like Marvel vs Capcom, or the less impressive Mortal Kombat vs DC Universe. The plot revolves around some cube crashing into earth and giving power to the fighters or something... I'm not very interested in that. What I am interested in is the gameplay, which seems like it will be a ton of fun. Characters from both games will be controlled by a 6 button system, but it has been revealed that Tekken characters will be able to pull of combos with the classic Tekken 4 button system. Also, instead of eliminating all of the opponents like in MvC, Capcom decided to go the Tekken Tag Tournament route and have a side lose when one of their fighters health is depleted. The player will be able to switch characters mid combo and have the swapped in character continue the combo. The player will also have the ability to launch their opponent into the air and have their tag team partner finish a combo in mid air. There will be three bars at the bottom of the screen, and one of them is a Cross Gauge meter. Cross Gauge can be filled by performing combos and kicking the crap out of opponents. Once full, Cross Gauge can be used to perform special attacks and abilities. These include cancels which allow players to break up a combo by tagging a partner in, cross arts which allow all of the players on a team to unite and use their super combos, and cross assault which allows the player to simultaneously control two characters at once until the meter runs out. New mechanics will include the gem system and pandora mode. The gem system will incorporate the player equipping their character with up to three gems that will provide different boosts. Six varieties of gems exist: attack, defense, speed, vitality, assist, and Cross Gauge. Pandora mode is a game mode that gives the remaining fighter increased strength and infinite Cross Gauge. The player will have to defeat the opponents in a time limit or the effects of the pandora will wear off and the player will lose. Street Fighter x Tekken is scheduled to be released on March 8th and will be available for Xbox 360, PS3, PS Vita, and PC.
(The Darkness II- I was a huge fan of the first installment of this series and was in shock when a second was announced. In the second installment, Jackie has used his power of the darkness to make his way to the top of the Franchetti crime family. Now that he is Don, people want his head, and that is how the game begins. Jackie is at a restaurant when all of the sudden, two of his companions are shot in the head. Then a van crashes through the window, and a mob war ensues. After the battle, the darkness pressures Jackie to investigate the origin of the attack which leads him on the beginning of yet another dark, twisted journey. The gameplay in the Darkness II is similar to the first game, but a few new abilities have been added. Now Jackie will be able to "quad wield" which means he can have a weapon in each hand and also use the darkness at the same time. Darkling will be more important in the second game as Jackie can send him off to find objects and waypoints. Darkling will also be able to use guns and even find items around the environment that he can use to torture/kill Jackie's enemies (frightening isn't it?). Jackie can also use his environment and he does by using items like car doors for shields, and even parking meters as weapons to impale his enemies. Jackie will have more special abilities, one of them being demon arms that can be charged up in order to do damaging finishing blows like ripping an enemy in half. Darkling will also have special attacks like urinating acid on enemies, gouging out eyes, and ripping out throats. The game looks different than the first one. Digital Extremes wanted to give the game a more comic book like look, so they used a cel-shading technique that is similar to the one used in the Sly Cooper games. That Darkness II is scheduled to be released on February 7th so thankfully there isn't much more waiting to do. It will be available on Xbox 360, PS3, and PC.
(The Last Guardian)- This game I didn't know much about until recently. Once I found out that it was being developed by Team Ico, I was sold. If you haven't noticed the background to this blog, it is from the game Shadow of the Colossus which was developed by Team Ico, and is one of my all time favorite games. The game is about a boy who has yet to be named who is trying to escape from a castle by reassembling the ruins. The game revolves around a developing friendship between the young boy and a giant feathered creature named Trico (Ico with a Tr in front of it?). The gameplay is focused around platforming, puzzles, and stealth. There will be a lot of climbing, and a lot of sneaking at the beginning of the game because the boy will be unarmed. Trico will also be a part of the gameplay as the boy will have to care for it once it becomes his ally. The player will have to do things like pull spears out of Trico and feed it. At first Trico will not be so obedient and will do what it wishes like sleep whenever it wants, but with some training it will become a faithful companion. The game will use a full physics engine that was not included in Ico or Shadow of the Colossus, and it will do cool things like show Trico's feathers as they blow in the wind and how they are manipulated by the wind. There are still some questions that have been unanswered by Ueda like if there will be an HUD. We will have to wait for Ueda and Team Ico to release more information on The Last Guardian, and that includes a release date. It is supposed to come out sometime this year and I am crossing my fingers in hopes that it does. It will be exclusively available on PS3.
(The Last of Us)- Why does Naughty Dog rule so much? They have given us the Uncharted series, The Jak and Daxter series, and the legendary Crash Bandicoot series... that's why. The Last of Us looks like it will do nothing but strengthen the name of this fantastic studio. The game takes place in various cities in the United States that have been overtaken by a fungal epidemic. The game will revolve around a man named Joel and a 14 year old girl named Ellie. Joel is a ruthless survivor and Ellie has no memory of her past. Together they will move through the United States fighting off humans taken over by the fungus, surviving, and developing an emotional father-daughter like relationship. It is rumored that the relationship between Joel and Ellie has been influenced by the relationship between Nathan Drake and his Tibet guide, Tenzin, from Uncharted 2. The game will be a third person action/adventure game like Uncharted, and will also be very cinematic which can be assumed since Oscar winner Gustavo Santaolalla (Brokeback Mountain and Bable) is composing for the title. The Last of Us is rumored to be coming out at the end of this year or the beginning or 2013 and will be available exclusively on PS3. Hopefully it delivers like Naughty Dog titles of the past have.
There you have it! That is my list of games that I am most excited for an I'm sticking to it. Though there are games that slightly tickle my interest like Super Mario Bros Mii, X-com, and Prey 2, they just don't have me excited enough to make the list. There are also game that that I am hoping for like Assassins Creed 3 and some Skyrim DLC, so I'll have to keep an ear out for those. The list is large and that means one thing and one thing only... I'm going to have to work a lot in order to buy most of them, and make sure that I can manage to not fail all of my classes as a result of playing too much instead of doing homework and studying. Thanks for reading and don't be afraid to leave comments of games that you feel that I've left off the list.